Tuesday 13 December 2016

Today is week 11 which is the date of 14 December 2016.Today I just want to tell or share something on my  blog about the role of the curriculum workers, role of the teachers and role of the curriculum leader.

Role of the Curriculum Workers
-Primary responsibility for curriculum development is assigned to teachers and their elected or appointed leaders, both of whom we will refer to as "curriculum workers".This group of persons working together carries the heaviest burden in seeking to improve the curriculum.Curriculum groups function at several levels and in several sectors.To make the following discussion clearer,however, let's conceptualize the curriculum council of a particular school.Let's choose an elementary school with grades kindergarten through six that is fortunate enough to have a full-time curriculum coordinator on its staff.By agreement of the total faculty,the grade coordinators (seven of them) join with the curriculum coordinator (appointed by the principal) to form the school's curriculum council.In our hypothetical school,by tacit understanding between the principal and the faculty,the coordinator serves as chairperson or leader of the council.

-Let's imagine that we are neutral observers watching this council at its first session of the year.We watch the group get organized; we listen to its discussion; we study the faces of the council members; and we observe the interplay between the coordinator and the council members and among the council members themselves.We cannot help speculating about whether this curriculum group will have a productive year.The question crosses our mind, "What conditions make for a productive year in curriculum development?" We wonder , "Could we predict whether a curriculum council is likely to be productive?"

-After a great deal of thought, we might conclude that success in terms of productivity is more likely to come about if the group :
-sets its goals at the beginning of its work.
-is made up of compatible personalities.
-has members who bring to the task expertise, knowledge, and technical competence.
-is composed of persons who are motivated and willing to expend time and energy.
-accepts its appropriate leadership and followership roles.
-has persons who can communicate with each other.
-has developed skills in decision making.
-has members who keep their own personal agendas in appropriate relationship to the groups's goals.

Role of the Teachers.
-Throughout this text teachers are repeatedly seen as the primary group in curriculum development.Numerous examples are given of teacher involvement in curriculum development.Teachers constitute either the majority or the totality of the membership of curriculum committees and councils.Teachers participate at all stages in curriculum development.They initiate proposals and carry them out in their classrooms.They review proposals, gather data, conduct research, make contact with parents and other laypeople,write and create curriculum materials, evaluate resources, try out new ideas, obtain feedback from leaners, and evaluate programs.Teachers serve on committees mainly at the classroom,team or grade or department, school, and district levels or sectors and on occassion may serve at other levels or sectors.

Role of the Curriculum Leader.
-The curriculum leader (coordinator) may also come from outside the teacher group, as in the  case of central office supervisors, curriculum consultants, directors of instruction, and assistant principals for curriculum.

-The curriculum leader or coordinator must:
-possess a good general education.
-have a good knowledge of both general and specific curricula.
-be knowledgeable about resources for curriculum development.
-be skilled in research and knowledgeable about locating pertinent research studies.
-be knowledgeable about the needs of learners, the community, and the society.
-be a bit of philosopher, sociologist, and psychologist.
-know and appreciate the individual characteristics of participating colleagues.

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