Thursday 8 December 2016

Hello,this was the reflection of week 6.The date was on 9 November 2016.The topic was been taught by Mr.Wan was Topic 6:Domains of Curriculum
                                -The domain components
                                -Principles,guidelines,types and categories of curriculum.

Multiple definitions of Curriculum.

Curriculum is:
-That which is taught in schools.
-A set of subjects.
-A program of studies
-A set of materials.
-A sequence of courses.
-A set of performance objectives
-A course of study.
-Is everything that goes on within the school,including extra class activities,guidance, and interpersonal relationships.
-Everything that is planned by school personnel.
-A series of experiences undergone by learners in a school.

There are 7 types of curriculum which are:
1)Recommended curriculum.
-This curriculum is delineated by scholars  and professional organizations.

2)Written curriculum
-This curriculum is appears in state and school district documents.

3)Taught curriculum
-This curriculum is that teachers attempt to implement.

4)Supported curriculum
-This curriculum helps implement or deliver the curriculum resources such as textbooks computers.

5)Assessed curriculum
-This curriculum is tested and evaluated.

6)Learned curriculum
-This curriculum is about what the students actually learn.

7)Hidden curriculum
-This curriculum is unintended curriculum.

There are 5 principle of curriculum development which are:
Principle 1:
The Essence of Curriculum Design The Need for a Conceptual Framework
-Over the past thirty years-curriculum practice has been driven by theory.
  -interaction between teachers and students has been defined in scientific terms like behaviorism or cognitivism.

-Now a phenomenological approach-based on the needs of learners;
   -draw from the teacher's experience with, and knowledge of, human development.
   -start with an understanding of how people learn,continue with instructional methods that match learning styles,then progress to content.

Principle 2:
Conceptualizing Attitudes and Beliefs About Learning
-The attitudes and beliefs principle is relatively easy to conceptualize in the abstract.It is much more difficult to put the conceptualization into practice.

Three orientations:
-to developing and understanding one's beliefs and attitudes about learning.
 a)the transmission position
   the function of schooling is viewed as transmitting facts,skills, and values to students.

b)the transaction position.
   the student is seen as rational and capable of intelligent problem solving.

c)the transformation position.
   focuses on personal and social change,with attention to ecological interdependence and the interrelatedness of phenomena generally.

Principle 3:
An Epistemological Rationale
-Epistemology, that branch of philosophy that deals with the origin, nature, and limitations of knowledge.
-Formulating an epistemological rationale for the technological education program area generally points to and amplifies the importance of having teachers become explicity aware of the origins, nature, and limitations of the knowledge they are using.

Principle 4:
The Curriculum Development/Planning Process
-The process is viewed as a blueprint for developing a curriculum that has applicability across a range of subjects for example like a macro view; however, it is also defined as the plan teachers adopt in the classroom for organizing learning activities for example like micro view.

-Curriculum planning that is guided or informed by some rational process would seem to merit the attention of all educators.

-The curriculum designer must take into account a combination of constituent needs-including community, schools, teachers, and students.

-Meaningful learning experiences in school classrooms can be designed,presented, and shaped through arational process.The importance of community input and support in that process cannot be overstated.

Principle 5:
The Political Realities of Curriculum Development
-The importance of understanding political reality is that it forces educators to consider the way interest groups compete for the establishments for their vision of a particular area of the curriculum.

 In my opinion,these 7 types of curriculum that are shown onthe video are very useful to the students nowadays.

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