Thursday 8 December 2016

This is for the reflection of week 7.The date was on 16 November 2016.Mr Wan taught us a new topic at that time which was Topic 7:Curriculum approaches Behavioral,Managerial,System,Academic and Humanistic Approach.

The curriculum approaches reflect the developer's philosophy,view of reality,history,psychology,social issues and the domains of knowledge.

Analysis of an approach provides information about personal and collective commitments to a particular viewpoint and the values deemed important by individuals,school and society.

An approach to curriculum reflects that person's view of the world;including what that person perceives as reality,the values he or she deems important, and the amount of knowledge he or she possesses.

An approach to the curriculum may include the person's philosophy,his view of history,view of psychology and learning theory and his view of social issues.

An approach further expresses a view point about the development and design of the curriculum,the role of the teacher, the learner, and curriculum specialists in planning the curriculum; the goals and objectives of the curriculum and the important issues that need to be examined.

Curriculum Approaches;
1)Technical/Scientific Approach
2)Non-Technical/Non-Scientific Approaches

1)Technical /Scientific Approach consists of:
-Behavioral-Rationale Approach
-Systems-Managerial Approach
-Intellectual-Academic Approach

2)Non-Technical/Non-Scientific Approach consists of:
-Humanistic-Aesthetic Approach
-Reconceptualist Approach

1.Technical-Scientific models reflect a traditional orientation about education and formal methods of schooling.

2)Non-Technical/Non-Scientific Approaches challenge traditional theories and practices and reflect the more progressive views about education.

Technical/Scientific Approach:
a)Behavioral-Rationale Approach
-It is the oldest and still more prefered approach by many educators (Bago 2008).It clearly defines the objectives (why), content (what), method (how), sequence (when), and scope (how much) of a curriculum By the Taba and Tyler Models,1969.

b)Systems-Managerial Approach
-This approach considers the major interconnectedness of inputs, throughputs, and outputs that comprise the educational system.This model emphasizes the managerial or leadership and supervisory aspects of curriculum especially in the implementation and organization process.

-Curriculum is viewed as the major system and the other processes related to it such as supervision (motivation,leadership styles,communication,and decision making),instruction and evaluation are subsystems.

c)Intellectual-Academic Approach
-It identifies three fundamental factors- the learner, the society, and the organized subject matter.
-It advocates that these three factors should be viewed as a whole,and not in isolation from one another.
-This approach has the following three sources of the curriculu;-studies of the learners;-studies of contemporary life and its needs;and suggestion from subject experts.
-This approach emphasizes the importance of cognitive theories and principles in curriculum planning.

Non-Technical/Non-Scientific Approaches:
a)Humanistic-Aesthetic Approach
-This approach is rooted in progressive philosophy which promotes the liberation of learners from authoritarian teachers.Progressive Education 1940s.

b)Reconceptualist Approach
-This approach reflects an existentialist orientation.Proponents argue that the aim of education is not to control instruction in order to preserve existing orders.Instead, the purpose of education is to emancipate society from traditional, outmoded orders through individual free choice.The foci of the curriculum are community,national, and world  problems that need to be addressed through an interdisciplinary approach.

-While progressivism emphasizes or child-centered curriculum, reconstructionism insists on a social-centered one.This curriculum orientation considers the school as an agent of change which should be at the forefront in creating a new vision of society and of the future.Reconstructionism sees the school as an institution of social reform.

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