Thursday 8 December 2016

The reflection of week 9 which was on 30 November 2016.We were learning about Topic 12 which was about Curriculum Implementation.

The  Roles of Stakeholders in Curriculum Implementation
-Individuals or institutions that are interested in the school curriculum.
-Shape the school curriculum implementation.

a)Learners at the center of the Curriculum.
-The very reason a curriculum is developed.
-The ones being directly influenced by the curriculum.
-The primary stakeholders in the curriculum.
-Make the curriculum alive.
-Measurement of the success of the curriculum.

b)Teachers as Curriculum Developers and Implementers
-The curriculum maker.
-From a developer to an implementer.
-Being an implementer is very crucial.

c)Curriculum Managers and Administrators
-Supervise,select and recruit,admit,procure.
-Plan for the school's improvement.
-Can never be ignored.

d)Parents as Supporters in the Curriculum
-Parents are the best supporters of the school.

How do parents shape the curriculum and why they become stakeholders?
-Effective parental involvement in school affairs.
- Involvement extends from the confine of the school to the home.
-Parent association is organized.

e)Community members as Community Resources
-Substitute for what is needed to implement the curriculum.
-Some can be a resource speaker.

f)Other Stakeholders in Curriculum Implementation
-Professional organization have shown great influence in school curriculum.
-Government has a great stake in curriculum implementation.

The Role of Technology in Delivering the Curriculum.

Instructional Media:
-Media Technology
-Learning Technology
-Other Technology

-Plays a crucial role in delivering instruction to learners.
-Offer various tools of learning.

Types of Instructional Media/Technology.
Non-projected Media                                       Projected Media
-Real objects                                                   -Overhead Transparencies
-Models                                                           -Opaque projection
-Field Trips                                                      -Slides
-Kits                                                                -Computer films
-Printed materials                                             -Video,VCD,DVD
-Visuals                                                            -Multimedia presentations
-Visual Boards
-Audio Materials

Factors of Technology Selection
-Appropriateness in relation to the learner

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