Sunday 6 November 2016 is me again..Stanley.
This is for the week 2 reflection.Ok.I want to talk about curriculum goals and objectives.This is what Mr.Wan taught me in the class.Ok,here we go.

Curriculum Goals.
-A Curriculum goal is a purpose or end stated in general terms without criteria of achievement.Curriculum planners wish students to accomplish the goal as a result of exposure to segments or all of a program of a particular school or school system.For example,the following statement meets this definition of a curriculum goal: "Students will demonstrate responsible behavior as citizens of our school,community,state,nation and world".

Curriculum Objectives.
-Curriculum goals are derived from a stgatements of philosophy,defined aims of education,and assessment of needs.From curriculum goals,we derive curriculum objectives.We may define a curriculum objective in the following manner.A Curriculum Objective is a purpose or end stated in specific,measurable terms.Curriculum planners wish students to accomplish it as a result of exposure to segments or all of a program of the particular school or school system.

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