Saturday 5 November 2016 is me again.Stanley is in the house.I am BACK....Hahahaaaaaa.Ok.Today I just want to say that this week is week 5 and I don't have a class for this week due to Deepavali celebration break.Today,I just want to reflect about what my lecturer which is Mr.Wan taught me during week 2,3 and 4.Ok.Curriculum Development subject is the most interesting subject to me because "Curriculum" can be defined as what students are to learn,how students acquire that learning and how students' learning is verified.

 There are 5 basic definition of Curriculum which are:
-a plan for achieving goals.
-dealing with the learners experiences.
-a system for dealing with people.
-a field of study with its own foundations,knowledge,domains,research,theory,principles and specialists.
-subject matter for example like,Mathematics,Science,English,History and so on.

1.A plan for achieving goals.
-The plan involves sequences and steps.
-A plan for providing sets of learning opportunities for people to be educated.

2.Dealing with the learners' experiences.
-Curriculum is all the experiences children have under teachers' guidance.
-This is about ongoing experiences.
-A specific environment for helping children achieve self-realisation through active participation within the school.
-A preplanned series of experiences.

3.A system for dealing with people.
-Linear or nonlinear system.
-Linear-plots out the means to a desired end.
-Nonlinear-specialist can enter at any point of learning.

4.A field of study with its own foundations.
-Discuss curriculum in theoretical terms not practical terms.
-Concerned with broad historical,philosophical,or social issues.

5.Subject matter (Mathematics,Science,English,History and so on)
-Talk in terms of grade levels.
-Emphasise on facts,concepts of particular subject areas.

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